Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photoshop: Puns and Dictionary

For these two assignments, we had to create a picture with three puns by using Photoshop to select and style pictures.  For the dictionary assignment, we had to use Photoshop to create three different visual definitions for words.  I chose to do Skyline, Symmetry, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  I used several different photos and layers to make these photos cool.


Peanut Butter
Hot Dog


For this assignment, I learned to use different layers and opacity to get across the meaning of the word.  I really loved creating the skyline photo because I used several different cities' skylines and leveled them out to create one combined skyline.  I also used the painting tool to add black to make it look sleeker.  I also really like the symmetry one, where I used opacity to make the zebra stripes less prominent.

Photo Assignment Seven: Still Life

In this assignment, I had to take pictures of an object and use lighting to highlight the subject.  I set up three different things; an iron doll, a glass bowl, and a basket.  I tried putting the light at several different angles to highlight shadows or features of the objects.


Aperture - f4.5
Shutter Speed -1/25
ISO - 400

Other Photos from Shoot:

One thing that I learned with this shoot is that you really have to take your time when setting up lighting and take tons of photos.  I moved my light around a lot and put it at different angles.  It was really cool to see the different shadows of the basket and bowl.  I also really loved being able to frame the girl with the chairs.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Photo Assignment Six: NATURE

In this assignment, I really wanted to capture some of the details in nature as well as the colors.  I edited the photo a bit to really make it stand out.  I really wanted to get a nice background and took a few different photos at this location, my grandmother's house.  The color was really nice during that time of year.



Shutter Speed - 1/100
Aperture - f6.3
ISO - 3200

Other Good Nature/Landscape Photographs-

In this assignment, I learned how to make a simple subject more dramatic using different techniques on Photoshop.  I used color burn and contrast to bring out the mushroom and emphasize the detail in both the subject and ground.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo Assignment Five: BLACK AND WHITE

In this assignment, I tried utilizing black and white to really bring out the contrast in lightness and darkness of different aspects of the photograph.  I also used the contrasting tool on Photoshop to bring out the differences in some of my photographs.

Photo Info:
Shutter Speed- 1/100
Aperture- f5.6
ISO- 100


In this assignment, I learned to use black and white to bring out the light in the photographs.  I really loved how I could really highlight the details in the photograph and help emphasize the subject in a new way.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Portrait Assignment

In this assignment, we had to use two different lighting set-ups to take portrait photos.  The first one we used was a three-point lighting studio set.  In ours, however, there were four lights; I used this to take the photograph on the left.  The photograph on the right was taken with light from a window and a large white poster to deflect some light onto the darker side of the face.  We then had to create a single composite of the two photos to show the different lighting effects.


In this assignment, I learned about all of the different lights used in a three-point light set-up, including the hair light, back light, and the key light.  I also learned how to adjust the card in order to balance the light from a window on both sides of the subject's face.  I really like being able to see how studio lights work and how they help a photograph.