Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photoshop: Puns and Dictionary

For these two assignments, we had to create a picture with three puns by using Photoshop to select and style pictures.  For the dictionary assignment, we had to use Photoshop to create three different visual definitions for words.  I chose to do Skyline, Symmetry, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  I used several different photos and layers to make these photos cool.


Peanut Butter
Hot Dog


For this assignment, I learned to use different layers and opacity to get across the meaning of the word.  I really loved creating the skyline photo because I used several different cities' skylines and leveled them out to create one combined skyline.  I also used the painting tool to add black to make it look sleeker.  I also really like the symmetry one, where I used opacity to make the zebra stripes less prominent.

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