Monday, October 17, 2011

Photo Assignment Two: PEOPLE

For the people assignment, we are supposed to take a candid portrait of someone that shows off their personality.  I was taking pictures of my friend throwing leaves and got this really great photo of her laughing.  I took a lot of different photos with varying numbers of people, but tried to get a shallow depth of field in all of them to draw the eye to the subject of the photograph.


Shutter Speed- 1/320
Aperture- f5.6
ISO Number- 1600

These are some of my favorite photos for this week's assignment...

In this assignment, I learned how to adjust my aperture and ISO to get the right amount of lighting for the outdoor setting and light.  I worked on my ability to take good action picture, in this case of people.  I worked on how to get the color just right to show the fall setting.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you filled up the Picture with her and also used the rule of thirds. I think it looks really cute how she's laughing and the leaves are falling on her.
